Sunday, 24 March 2013

Promethean System; A New Frontier

I have been assigned to the Promethean System; a system on the frontier of USFP space. My mission is to secure and protect the system, as well as explore neighbouring systems. Along with my own vessel the TSN Falcon and a number of support vessels, I have been given command of several academy vessels and a number of cadets.

The Promethean system is relatively small and is made up of four main sectors. The colony in the central sector was only established a decade or so ago. They are relatively self reliant in terms of their governance, however they do appreciate the presence of our division and the added security it provides. There have been only a few reported raids from hegemony ships, but they have been enough to cause damage and disrupt the colony's way of life. The tithes that the colony pays to the TSN are obvious worth something; well enough to assign a division to protect the area.

On arriving, my first order of business has been to explore our neighbouring systems; Cronus and Volantis. I have already taken the opportunity to explore a sector in the Cronus system. A support vessel accompanied us to provide refuel and resupply, as well as carrying a gate device for our return journey. The sector we entered was relatively quiet. We encountered small enemy patrols in the sector, nothing that wasn't manageable. It gave the cadets some combat experience, although not as much as some seemed to want. It is good that they are eager. The enemy know that we are here now and are expanding our borders, so I'm not sure how quiet things are going to remain.

The Cronus sector we explored seems like a sector worth securing. On the patrol, I was able to identify at least two other potential gate points. The band of asteroids stretching across the sector could also prove an asset. I am sure that Promethean's governor will be wanting to send survey teams to assess mining opportunities.

The cadets that I have been assigned are proving able, although there is still training to be done. There are some things still to go over, such as operational guidelines and standard procedures. TSN Command have also provided me with a training simulator program, and although still in its testing phase, it is proving a useful piece of software. From what I have seen of the cadets, on the patrols and in the simulator, there is great potential in several of them. I am hopeful that some will soon be ready to be promoted to full officers.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

RP Community officially launched & Updates (OOC Post)

Well, the TSN RP Community was officially launched last night. Sadly, some people were not able to turn up, so our numbers were a little thin on the ground. I am confident that as more people join, the turn out will increase and the TSN RP Community will begin to grow and thrive. I am in the process of writing up rules and regulations to follow to bring the RP to life, and have had some assistance from members of the RP community. In them there are details such as coming to attention when a captain enters, etiquette when addressing with other members, and how a member's name needs to be set out to include their rank etc. I am hoping that other RP elements will come through from the players too (one member emailed saying his transport was delayed, so couldn't report in on time).

As people have been sending me applications I have been issuing crew records to them and adding their details to a central database. On record, there are now 9 members officially (including myself). These are members who have submitted an application and had a crew record issued. It is my hope that over the coming weeks I will have more people applying to increase the total of official members. The more people who join, the more academy ships will be running. As the RP really begins to get going, officers will be getting promoted as their experience increases (the first Lieutenant-Junior was promoted last night!) and eventually we will end up with other official TSN vessels and more commanders and captains to run them.

To make the whole RP more official, I looked in to setting up a teamspeak server especially for the official RP sessions. Last night I sorted out the server and I have been working away, creating multiple channels or "rooms" so people can move about the channels as if they were moving about different ships or stations. I have created a TSN Command channel in which there is a main room for members of TSN Command, an Examination Suite for officers taking examinations, a court room for disciplinary hearings and finally two conference suites. The TSN Falcon has been created and two sub-channels set up; a briefing room and a command deck. There are also two standard Academy Vessels with a similar layout. Finally, the default channel is named "The Mess Hall" and is a place for officers to gather off duty and chat. It has a side room, accessible only to captains of the TSN called the Captain's Lounge (although it is currently a lonely place!). Anyway, the server will act as the main place for people to gather and begin their RP sessions.

So with most things set up, I am looking forward to future sessions. There are a couple of things to finish off like the Rules and Regulations, but the RP will be running each week now.

The next official session is scheduled for Saturday 9th March. If you want to join check out
the RP wiki pages for all the details or email me at